Friday, October 30, 2009

The Photographer Emulation Assignment

This week you are going to go out and take photos that emulate the style of the photographer who you chose at the beginning for the week.
Was your photographer a landscape, portrait, studio, documentary, or abstract style?
You will turn in 6 great examples of photos that utilize the same style that your chosen photographer used in their photos. Try and take more than 6, just so you have 6 SOLID examples that represent your photographer's style.
TRY to capture this same style in your photos by using the same subject matter, along with color, black and white, or Photoshop'd imagery.
Use the same rules of composition that your photographer used in any of the 6 photos that you chose from the previous assignment.

When you've finished taking photos that emulate your photographer, you will be writing another half a page essay that will discuss the experience you had copying the photographer's work.

Include the following in your essay:
1. How hard was it to recreate these photographs?
2. Where did you take your photos?
3. What were the biggest challenges you faced in the recreation process?
4. What style or styles were you emulating? Landscape? Portrait? Studio? Abstract? Sports? Other?
5. What rules of composition applied in all of your photos?
6. How close did you come to successfully recreating the photographer's work?
7. What did you learn about your photographer in this assignment?

Once you've finished this essay, you will create another 8x11 Photoshop document with a Resolution of 300, RGB color, and a Background of White. This will be just like your previous Photoshop assignment, except with your recreation photos.

You will design this document much like you designed your first Photographer's document.
You will create a title at the top of the document that will read "(Your name) Recreating (Your photographer's name)"
Add your 6 best photos that you took, onto this document and arrange them with the text from your essay.
Create a background color or color gradient to your document that is sampled from one of your photos.
When complete, you will Flatten the Image and save it as a JPEG.
Your naming convention is "_recreation".
Make sure to save this assignment as a JPEG (.jpg)
This assignment in due at the end of class on Wednesday.

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